Gate of Heaven Praesidium


Some works of the Gate of Heaven Praesidium include:

  • Home-to-home visitation of auxiliary parishioners
  • Visiting rest homes and hospitals
    • Taking Holy Communion
    • Praying and entertaining residents
  • Assisting with the Hospital Chaplaincy Service at Waitakere hospital every third Sunday
  • Assisting the evening First Friday Mass
  • Providing two Rosary Statues of Our Lady to parishoners’ homes
  • Assist the parish in various ministries such as the Eucharistic liturgy and the Sunday children’s liturgy.

Praesidium Meetings.

The Praesidium meets on Tuesdays at 7:00pm at the following address:

29 View Road,
Auckland 0612,
New Zealand
(Opposite the Holy Cross Church)