“About the Legion” Brochure

Introduction and recruitment brochures entitled, “All about the Legion of Mary” are now available for download in three formats: 

  • FULL PAGE: This is recommended for email distribution and online viewing. It should make it easier to disseminate information on the Legion over the internet.  Full Page PDF
  • TRI-FOLD BROCHURE: This brochure is suitable for brochure stands in parishes and bookstalls, but is also recommended for giving out to potential Legionaries on visitations.    Brochure PDF
  • BOOKLET:  This is also suitable for stands and bookstalls, but also where there are tables and broader surfaces available.                                            Booklet PDF
  • POSTER: There is also an accompanying poster to give more prominence to the brochures, where space allows for its display.                                 Poster PDF

As always, please speak to the parish priest before making them available in parish displays.