- A Legionary’s Praesidium Meeting Log Book (A5 size)
- A Legionary’s Praesidium Meeting Log Book (A6 size)
- Council report to Senatus
- Guidelines List of Approved Works
- Junior Praesidium Report
- Praesidium Annual Report Form
- Praesidium Self Assessment Form
- Praesidium Website information Form
- The Official Handbook of the legion of Mary
- Legion of Mary – Child Safeguarding Policy
Extension & Conversion Resources Expand
- Advertisement Poster for legion Meeting for Parishes
- Introduction & Recruitment, “About the Legion” Brochures
- The Art of Home Visitation
- Theology of the Apostolate (book) by Cardinal Suenens
- Visitation Log Book
- Legions talk by Fr. Peffley
- Concilium Legionis Mariae
- Legion of Mary New Zealand Facebook Page
- The Colosseum: Fun Legion Challenges for Junior Legionaries
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Catholic Answers
- Catholic Education Resource Centre
- Catholic Enquiry Centre
- Chastity.com
- Legion Terminologies
- New Advent
- News.va
- Official Website of Dr Peter Kreeft
- Vatican resource Library
Councils Organisation Tree Expand Concilium
There shall be a central council, which shall be called the Concilium Legionis Mariae, in which shall be vested the supreme governing authority of the Legion.
A council designated by the Concilium to exercise authority over the Legion of Mary in a country shall be called a Senatus. It must be affiliated directly to the Concilium.
A council designated by the Concilium to exercise authority over the Legion of Mary in a large region, and ranking next in status to a Senatus, shall be called a Regia.
Where it is found necessary to confer on a Curia, in addition to its own proper functions, certain powers of superintendence over one or several Curiae, such higher Curia shall be styled more particularly a Comitium.
When two or more praesidia have been established in any city, town, or district, a governing body termed the Curia should be set up.
This Latin word was used to designate a detachment of the Roman Legion performing special duty, that is, a section of a military line, a fortified post, a garrison. The term praesidium is, therefore, appropriately applied to the branch of the Legion of Mary.